A Dairing Life

5 Years with the Best Man I Know

October 16, 2016 3 Comments

“Take my hand, take my whole life too. Cause I can’t help, falling in love with you.”


Yes, I walked down the aisle to an Elvis song (sang by Ingrid Michaelson) on my wedding day, 5 years ago today. If you don’t like love and gushiness, you may want to skip this one! πŸ’Ÿ This is an ode to my number one, my amazing husband who should be declared a saint for not only living with me everyday, but for somehow still loving me through my craziness.

Wow, 5 years of marriage?! I guess time really does fly when you’re having fun!

So much good and bad has happened in the past 5 years. Purchased new cars and became homeowners. Gallons and gallons of paint (and hours and hours of projects). New careers. Meeting new people, and trying new things. Trips near and far. Saying goodbye to loved ones long before we were ready. Heartbreak and disappointment.

Through it all, there has been one constant. 5 years ago, we pledged to see each other through life’s ups and downs, laughter and sorrow, successes and letdowns. In our 5 short years of marriage, God saw fit to test us through each of these, and each time we’ve stood shoulder to shoulder, hand in hand, and made it through (whether we were laughing or crying at the end!).

Thank you for standing by me, for being my absolute best friend and confidant. Thank you for making me laugh and being by my side as I cry. Thank you for supporting my crazy ideas, and tolerating my love of the Dollar Tree, Target $1 spot and the possibilities of a can of spray paint. Just…thank you.


Our wedding day was just a small snippet in time, one fragment of the joy that our 5 years as husband and wife have brought me. Here’s to celebrating the start of the best adventure of our lives. I can’t wait to spend many more sets of 5 with you. I love you more than words could ever explain!


A Dairing Life


  1. Reply

    A Dairing Life

    October 21, 2016

    Thank you both so much!

  2. Reply

    Pat Scarborough

    October 16, 2016

    Happy Anniversary to both of you!! Hope you have many, many more! You both are beautiful people inside and out!! Love y’all!!

  3. Reply

    Marilyn Colhouer

    October 16, 2016

    Made me cry!! You are both very Lucky and blessed!


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