Continue Reading Hack the Lack! How to Turn a Cheap Coffee Table in to a Custom Upholstered Ottoman Anyone who has ever thought about upholstering anything knows how the supplies can add up. Plus, the task seems a little daunting,…
Continue Reading Braiding Basics 101: Dutch Braids You know those big, full braids, with so much personality they deserve their own reality show? You see them on Instagram and…
Continue Reading Braiding Basics 101: Launch + Easy beginner tutorial Braids are my go to hairstyle. Slept in a little too late? Braid. Can’t get your hair to curl/wave? Braid. Humid outside?…
Continue Reading How to turn a $2 Used Canvas into Modern Art I love when I see DIY art tutorials online, but I have just one problem – the cost of the canvas! Since…