I loooovvee pore strips. Cleaning your pores out, removing dead skin and little pesky hairs, and then getting to look down at the strip with all the gunk on it? What could be better? However, I need to use them on every part of my face, and that can kind of get a little on the pricey side. That’s why I love making my own DIY pore strip mask. If you want to learn how to make your own, keep reading below. This post contains affiliate links to products I use and love. If you purchase from the links I will earn a small commission at no cost to you.
I was one of those annoying teenagers who didn’t have any skin issues. Oh to be young again! Once I hit 20, I developed rosacea, so I’m always looking for products to cleanse my skin without irritating it. My skin likes a little abrasion, especially when my papsules are inflamed. Over time my pores get congested and enlarged, and when my face is particularly in need of exfoliation, I like to use this DIY Pore Strip Mask to lift dry skin flakes and clear out my pores.
Let’s get to cleaning those pores out babe!
DIY Pore Strip Mask
- 1 package plain, unflavored gelatine (or about 1 tbsp)
- 1 tbsp water (or milk)
- Popsicle or wood craft stick
- Headband (I’m obsessed with these by Goody)
- Pour the package of gelatine into a small microwave-safe bowl.
- Add water and stir well. I like to use a wooden craft stick to do this so it’s easy to dispose of when you’re finished. That’s all you need to create the DIY pore strip mask. The mixture will look a little thick at this point.
- Pop in the microwave for 30 seconds. Stir once again with the popsicle stick. Now the consistency should be similar to honey.
- Important! Let the mixture cool until it no longer feels super hot on your skin. You still want it to be plenty warm so it’s spreadable without congealing as you’re applying it, but not so hot that you burn yourself. You can see mine cooled a little too much, but I wanted to document it, ya know, for science. It just won’t go on evenly, and will probably need longer to set, but it’s ok if you do this too!Make sure you use a headband to keep any stray hairs from falling down on to your face. This stuff dries super stiff, and you don’t want any bald spots. You’ve been warned…don’t ask me how I know!
- Use the craft stick to apply the warm mixture to your face. Avoiding under the eye area, and your eyebrows. If it dries, and you attempt to pull it off, you WILL pull out your eyebrows! If you only have one area you want to cleanse, by all means, just stick to that area – you’ll have a lot of mask leftover. I prefer to treat the DIY pore strips as a whole face mask.
- Allow mask to dry completely. If you were able to get a nice thin layer, it will dry faster. If you put it on a little too thick (like I did in the pictures), then you’ll have to wait until it’s no longer a gel-like consistency when you press a finger on to it. It should be completely firm. A good rule of thumb is if you can’t move your face anymore, you’re all set.
- Carefully peel back the mask in sections. Examine the gelatine as you pull it off if you’re a weirdo like me! I love seeing that it works! If you have sensitive skin like me, your face may be red after you pull off the mask. I waited until I hopped out of the shower to take my pics so you could see something other than my tomato red skin!
- Lastly, gently wash your face and apply a moisturizer.
You can repeat these steps for the DIY pore strip mask whenever your pores need to be cleared out – just don’t do it more than once a week, or your skin might get irritated.
Would you try a DIY skincare treatment? Do you have a favorite skincare product you swear by? Let me know in the comments below!
Stay Dairing.
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Mrs. Cherry
Oh wow, had no idea you could make these! Seems to work just as well too!
Mrs. SBF
My youngest daughter does this too. I think I need to give it a try!
A Dairing Life
Yes, it definitely helps to clear out your pores!
Kristin's Peppermints and Cherries
Oh wow! My skin definitely needs more TLC the older I get. Sunscreen and moisturizer are my best friends these days as I have dry skin and those crows feet are getting deeper! I have heard they are from smiling a lot! 🙂
A Dairing Life
Yes, me too! Always looking for a great moisturizer.
This is so cool. Pinning it to try it
A Dairing Life
You’ll have to let me know how you like it!
Thank you! Definitely going to try this. Love the gifs, too. Lol
A Dairing Life
Haha, thanks! It definitely works!